玻璃之家讯:本文作者: 花定兴 郑铁君 蒋晶岩
摘 要:本文首先对青岛国际会展中心二期工程中的索支承玻璃幕墙方案进行了详细介绍,然后结合该工程,对其中采用的自平衡索桁架结构和鱼腹式索桁架结构,这两种点支式玻璃幕墙结构中较为先进支承结构形式的工程应用展开了具体的讨论,包括材料选用、结构设计、节点设计及构造、结构检测、玻璃幕墙检测和结构施工等,涵盖了这两种结构形式工程应用的各个方面,为今后这类工程结构的设计和施工提供了依据。
Abstract:In this paper, the blue print of cable supported glass curtain wall was detaiLED introduced. And then with this project, the detailed engineering application technologies of the self-balance cable truss and fish belly shaped like cable truss, which are advanced structures in dot point supported glazing with the character of lightness and transparency, were discussed, including the material, structural design, joint forms and conformation, structure test, glass curtain wall test and constructions, almost all fields of these kinds of cable structures were involved. And all of these work have brought the base for the engineering design and constructions for these two kinds of cable structures in the future.
Key Words:Cable structure;Dot point supported glazing;Steel structure